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  BLUFFING JOKER OBJECT OF BLUFFING JOKER:  The objective of Bluffing Joker is to be the first team to have all their pegs home. NUMBER OF PLAYERS:  4,6, or 8 players MATERIALS:  3 to 4 Standard decks of 52 cards, 2 jokers for each deck, a Peg and Jokers board for their number of players, and a flat surface. TYPE OF GAME:  Racing Card/Board Game AUDIENCE:  Adult OVERVIEW OF BLUFFING JOKER Bluffing Joker is a racing card/board game for 4, 6, or 8 players. The goal of the game is to get all your team’s pegs home before your opponents. This game is played in partnerships. So, there will be two teams of 2, 3, or 4 depending on the number of players. Each teammate sits between two opponents. SETUP For each number of players, a slightly different board is used, or if you have a board that allows all player numbers there will be a specified part of the board for you to use. In a 4-player game, you use a 4-sided board. In a 6-player game, a 6-sided board is used, a...


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  KILPATRICK PEGS AND JOKERS OBJECT OF KILPATRICK PEGS AND JOKERS:  The objective of Kilpatrick Pegs and Jokers is to be the first team to have all their pegs home. NUMBER OF PLAYERS:  4,6, or 8 players MATERIALS:  Four Standard decks of 52 cards, 8 Jokers, a Pegs and Jokers board for their number of players, and a flat surface. TYPE OF GAME:  Racing Card/Board Game AUDIENCE:  Adult OVERVIEW OF KILPATRICK PEGS AND JOKERS Kilpatrick Pegs and Jokers is a racing card/board game for 4, 6, or 8 players. The goal of the game is to get all your team’s pegs home before your opponents. This game is played in partnerships. So, there will be two teams of 2, 3, or 4 depending on the number of players. Each teammate sits between two opponents. Each player of the team can also move any of the team’s pegs on their turn. SETUP For each number of players, a slightly different board is used, or if you have a board that allows all player numbers there will be a specified part...


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  DYAD OBJECT OF DYAD:  The objective of Dyad is to be the player with the highest score at the end of the game. NUMBER OF PLAYERS:  4 Players MATERIALS:  1 Standard Deck of Cards, 1 Scoresheet, and 1 Pencil TYPE OF GAME:  Trick Taking Card Game AUDIENCE:  Adults OVERVIEW OF DYAD Dyad is a variation of the traditional trick taking games. Although the rules are the same, players will play pairs of cards in an attempt to take the trick, rather than single cards. Cards are limited, and points are slow to accumulate. If you are strategic and numerically inclined, this game is for you! Themed decks are able to be used, adding new variants into the game. SETUP To begin setup, remove the aces, Kings, Queens, and Jacks from the deck. The only cards remaining will be the numerical cards. The point value of these cards will equal their face value. The dealer will shuffle the cards and deal nine cards to each player. The game is ready to begin! GAMEPLAY Dyad is played...


Hình ảnh
  YUKON SOLITAIRE OBJECT OF YUKON SOLITAIRE:  The objective of Yukon Solitaire is to build four foundations in ascending order from ace to King using only cards from the same suit. NUMBER OF PLAYERS:  1 Player MATERIALS:  1 Standard Deck of Cards TYPE OF GAME:  Card Game AUDIENCE:  Adults OVERVIEW OF YUKON SOLITAIRE Yukon Solitaire is similar to Klondike Solitaire with the exception of the ability to move groups of cards even if they are in a incorrect sequence. As long as the column moved forms a descending sequence with alternating colors, it is considered to be a valid move. Another noticeable difference is all of the cards are dealt out, leaving no stock to draw from. This game is slightly easier and slightly less secretive, as you know what you are working with. SETUP After shuffling the cards well, twenty-eight cards are organized in the same way as Klondike solitaire to begin the 메이저놀이터추천 columns. The other cards are dealt facing up to the final six ...


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  VINT OBJECT OF VINT:  The objective of Vint is to be the first team to accumulate 500 points. NUMBER OF PLAYERS:  4 Players MATERIALS:  1 Standard Deck of Cards, 1 Scoresheet, and 1 Pencil TYPE OF GAME:  Trick-Taking Card Game AUDIENCE:  Adults OVERVIEW OF VINT Vint is a Russian trick-taking game that is the perfect mix of Whist and Bridge, taking some elements from both. There are still many people that play Vint quite often, but it has become more of a rare game experience. The goal is to work as a team and accumulate points as rapidly as possible. The first team to reach 500 points wins. Be strategic, smart, and make sure you are working together! SETUP Players must split into two-person teams. Teams are decided with a simple card draw. Each player will draw a random card from the deck. The two players who draw the highest scoring cards are paired with one another, and the two players who draw the lowest scoring cards are paired with one another. Playe...


Hình ảnh
  GOING TO BOSTON OBJECT OF GOING TO BOSTON:  The objective of Going to Boston is to score the most points by the end of the game. NUMBER OF PLAYERS:  3 or More Players MATERIALS:  3 Dice, a Score Sheet, and a Pencil/Pen TYPE OF GAME:  Dice Game AUDIENCE:  Ages 8 and up OVERVIEW OF GOING TO BOSTON Going to Boston is a fun, fast, dice game. You may have as many players as you want, allowing for a large group to play! Three dice, a piece of paper, and a pencil are all the supplies needed to take this game on the road! Take your chances and make your rolls! The goal is to accumulate more points than any other player, making you the winner! SETUP To begin setup, have the players sit in a circle around the playing area. Ensure that there is an open space in the middle, giving plenty of room for the dice to be rolled. Each player will then roll one of the dice. The player with the highest roll will be the first player. Before the game begins, decide among one ano...


Hình ảnh
  ZANDARI OBJECT OF ZANDARI:  The objective of Zandari is to be the first team to earn 11 points. NUMBER OF PLAYERS:  2 to 4 Players MATERIALS:  1 Standard Deck of Cards TYPE OF GAME:  Fishing Card Game AUDIENCE:  Adults OVERVIEW OF ZANDARI Zandari is a strategic fishing game, allowing teams to collect cards in an attempt to reach the highest number of points first. This game may be as quick or as long as the players want it to be. Using a simple deck of cards makes it easy to be played any and everywhere. Attempt to beat another team by strategically playing your cards in an attempt to capture as many as possible. The first team to reach 11 points wins the game! SETUP To begin setup, have players separate into two-player teams. Any player may be the first dealer, and then the deal with pass to the left. The dealer will shuffle the cards, and the player to the right of the dealer must cut the cards, cutting at least four cards from both sides of the deck. T...